Capt. Mark Fedor, chief of response for the Coast Guard, said during a Wednesday afternoon news conference that the operation to locate the El Faro would switch from a rescue mission to a recovery and investigation footing at sunset.
At Baker’s event, Rodolfo Aguilar, the parent of two Brooke Charter School students, cried as he thanked Baker for supporting charter schools. Sonia Chang-Diaz, to lay out a case and proposed path forward to expand and more closely align charter schools with traditional...
Dr Carson replied: “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all,”‘ Carson said.
When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced his resignation, the pieces appeared to be in place for a relatively smooth transition. Meanwhile, Chaffetz can certainly get more pugilistic by passing standalone bills for the GOP agenda and demand that the Senate force Obama...
Tackling another issue important to the liberal wing of her party, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton rolled out a comprehensive Wall Street reform plan Thursday promising to crack down on rule breakers in the financial industry and impose new regulations and taxes...
U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Thursday introduced a plan to curb what she called Wall Street abuses, including a “risk fee” on the largest financial institutions and breaking up banks considered “too big to fail”.
Due to excessive flooding since last weekend throughout the Palmetto State, especially in and around Columbia, the No. 7 Tigers and Gamecocks will vie instead in Baton Rouge.
The US National Transportation Safety Board has launched an investigation into the incident and officials have said a probe may take months to complete.