After about 1,400 people responded to a survey on the use of police body cameras, St. Paul residents are now being invited by the police department to two discussions on the subject.
“It’s the middle of the summer in New York City, it’s 90 degrees, you walk by a store, and the door is wide open and the air-conditioning is blasting”.
In one passage, Powell claims she took four escorts to do a show for a Lyle at McGee’s request. Powell claims to have done 22 different shows for Cardinals players or recruits.
GRANTS PASS, Ore. – Multiple law enforcement agencies are responding to reports of a security threat at Rogue Community College’s Redwood Campus in Grants Pass.
A New York Times report in 2008 indicated that before Syracuse hired Doug Marrone, it reached out to gauge Edsall’s interest in taking over after Greg Robinson.
The ACLU of Wisconsin on October 8 announced its strong opposition to a bill being circulated in the Wisconsin Legislature that would require local schools to forbid transgender students from using restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. Reports indicate...
Injured Virginia Tech quarterback Michael Brewer got what he wanted to hear Monday: the clearance to practice, although his availability to play Friday night against N.C. State could be a game time decision.
A gunman, identified as Chris Harper Mercer, opened fire inside a classroom at the college and killed ten people and injured seven others. So I just have one question how do you expect the police to stop criminals from having and using guns?
“That would have created another nightmare for us”, said Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, whose county includes the stadium. The South Carolina marching band will not travel due to the conditions.
To a few members of Congress, that spending was considered pork that was not directly related to disaster relief, and if South Carolina’s lawmakers decide to seek something like it, they may be subject to the same charge.
“Rising water from flooding can carry viruses, bacteria, chemicals and other submerged objects picked up as it moves through stormwater systems, across industrial sites, yards, roads and parking lots”, the South Carolina Emergency Response Team said, per CNN.