Anonymous, a loosely organised group of mostly low-level hackers, often targeted mainstream media websites and social media profiles. The altered story was live for about 40 minutes before an editor noticed and fixed it.
Calling the status quo in the occupied Palestinian territory unsustainable, he also said that Israel must assume its full responsibility as an occupying power under worldwide law.
The president and Democrats want to increase spending beyond the agreed-upon caps of the 2011 budget sequester, while most Republicans want to lift only military spending while making further cuts on the domestic side.
The track where the crash occurred had been part of a $220 million upgrade of New England Central Railroad tracks funded with help from a $50 million federal recovery grant. Two cars fell down an embankment following the crash, one which held the fuel supply.
The shooting happened in the store’s parking lot about 2 p.m., when Home Depot security was chasing a shoplifter in his 40s who jumped into a waiting dark SUV, said Lt. Jill McDonnell, an Auburn Hills police spokeswoman. Police posted security camera footage on their...
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says ending the ban on US oil exports and easing restrictions on natural gas exports will unleash the nation’s economy.
The Hurricanes’ defense has struggled this season, but Golson’s ability to keep the offense from bogging down will be critical in the big-game environment, especially if running back Dalvin Cook is slowed or unavailable because of a pulled hamstring. The Seminoles...
On facing former players: “I don’t get too cranked up about things like that, but you do want to play well against guys you know”. “I’m 26 and I feel like I can’t complain about certain things because he’s doing it and he’s been...