Obama will travel to Roseburg on Friday to meet with victims’ families one week after a gunman fatally shot nine people on the campus of Umpqua Community College. Recent high school graduates experiencing their fourth day of college. She was face down, her head tucked...
Brown signed it into law in symbolic surroundings: The Rosie the Riveter National Historic Park, where women filled wartime labor shortages in the Kaiser Shipyards.
“We wish to be clear that mayor Larry Rich, city council president Tom Ryan and the Roseburg city council welcome the president to Roseburg and will extend him every courtesy”, the statement said.
Armed suspect Chris Harper-Mercer walked into a class at Snyder Hall on Thursday, killing multiple and wounding several others before taking his own life.
NASA says Wednesday’s launch of the suborbital flight will test a modified Black Brant sounding rocket motor and launch vehicle and spacecraft systems as well as sub-payload ejection technologies.
Sioux City Fire Marshall, Mark Aesoph says it’s important for the departments to get the opportunity to know their surrounding community. “Think of your smoke alarm as the nose or eyes on the ceiling just smelling or seeing”.
So this week in the Legal Corner, we are going to begin discussing a few of the history, issues and effects associated with domestic violence. Additionally, in 1989 a public law was passed by the United States Congress establishing the month of October as National Domestic...
“The crime he committed was carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle, he has a prior conviction for the same offense which makes this into a felony”, Beck said.
University of Wisconsin Police are looking for help finding a man who attacked a 15-year-old Iowa fan after Saturday’s game at Camp Randall Stadium. “We were out there a lot”. “Our goal was to keep them at a minimum scoring”.