Verizon Ignores Bandwith Caps And Net Neutrality For Profit
“Other activity that does not involve watching videos, such as downloading go90 from an app store, browsing or searching for shows, posting comments, sharing clips and viewing settings will incur data usage charges”. However, akin to T-Mobile, Verizon is also facing many controversies from YouTube and Netflix, who are providing streaming service at a certain charge and this new free service would pull away their customers.
As the legal environment for technology companies is getting increasingly unfavorable, Verizon Communication Inc.
Verizon is offering its postpaid users the ability to stream videos without additional data charges. Users can select and watch up to five NBA LEAGUE PASS games during the remainder of the 2015-16 NBA regular season at no cost to the consumer, regardless of whether you watch a free preview week-end or have any other NBA LEAGUE PASS subscription. They have said that this moves of making go 930 rated strictly against the rules of the fcc which was made for NET neutrality previous year.
Verizon’s argument for the legality of the service is that go90 is open to other content providers via its sponsored data programme, FreeBee Data 360, which lets content providers pay for customers’ data costs. The move follows rival T-Mobile with its Binge On service, which also throttles video content.
Unlike go90, however, Binge On offers streaming from a number of partner services rather than just from one service.
As an incentive, Verizon will throw in an extra gigabyte each month if you agree to sign up to its AutoPay service. Which skews the competition. Yahoo has been facing trouble for some time and CEO Marissa Mayer even indicated for a sell-off in the latest earnings call.