Viewpoint: America’s Gun Problem
We are on constant alert, and something needs to be done. We have a gun problem and it’s time to fix it.
Many people on the left have criticized proponents of gun control as being people without morals. “There are people who were killed, injured, and suffered emotional distress who would not have been, if Paddock had not possessed a bump stock”.
Could this notion, however, carry weight for the US simply because of our fixation with guns in the media and our homes rather than standing on real truth?
The numbers are significantly different in comparison to other developed countries, and the math is simple.
In his home he had an additional nineteen guns and more rounds of ammunition and even target explosives.
One segment deals with how and why research into the public health implications of gun violence was halted in the ’90s. It means we regulate the 12 states that allow people to carry concealed weapons without any kind of permit. Nearly all of the country allows weapons in restaurants.
■ Mesa County’s suicide rate is almost double the USA average.
Do we believe those who possess said illegal firearms would give up such an asset in the midst of opportunity for sudden power? Also, despite the stricter gun laws, the total harvest for deer and hunting license purchases have been unaffected. Also we certainly don’t have “a well regulated militia” as required in the Constitution unless the individual states’ National Guard units serve that goal in which case they are already well-armed and well-regulated.
But more often than not, the NRA is setting the national agenda and pushing America in an ever-crazier direction – from prohibiting schools from banning guns to deregulating silencers for guns.
America’s easy gun access seems to lead to more gun violence and death, and this is not just in recent news.
Also appearing on the program is Shira Goodman, executive director of CeaseFirePA, an in-state non-profit that works with “mayors, police chiefs, faith leaders, community organizations, and individual Pennsylvanians” to reduce gun violence. Rates of lethal violence in the nation are much higher and violence is not a crime problem. Whether it’s a roving gang of looters who want to take your prized possessions or whether it’s a more sinister bunch who want to do unspeakable things to your family, you are on your own. Again, our country wins by a long shot. “Evidence from 130 studies in 10 countries suggests that in certain nations the simultaneous implementation of laws targeting multiple firearms restrictions is associated with reductions in firearm deaths”.
■ In 2007, the number of civilian-owned firearms in the USA was 88.8 guns per 100 people. However, it is immoral for anti-gun government officials to know there will be serious interruptions in first-responder services while still working tirelessly to disarm peaceable Americans.
The lawsuit, announced Tuesday, was filed last week on behalf of the shooting victims and targets Slide Fire Solutions, as well as manufacturers, sellers and marketers of bump stocks. It was written in the context of the time and its reference point a was ball and rod musket and not semi and fully automatic assault rifles.