Washington Democrats wrap up state convention
Clinton picked up 10 state convention delegates at the all-day meeting that drew more than 1,500 Democratic activists, and will go to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with the support of 29 of the state party’s 51 national convention delegates.
Their greatest leverage: Clinton will need them in a close race against Trump.
“Whether you supported her in the primary or not, we can all say: Hillary Clinton is a fighter”, Warren said.
If the conservatives thought Trump had a chance of being the next president, they would be making plans for a Trump administration.
In a 4-way contest without Sanders, 41 percent of Sanders supporters would go to Clinton, according to a recent SurveyUSA poll. “None. Now people who got none are saying, ‘Maybe we can get something at the convention, ‘” Trump said in Las Vegas. “We are doing them a favor and they don’t realize it”. “She keeps at it – fighting for Democratic values and fighting to take down an army of right-wing lunatics who will say and do anything to undermine reform in this country”.
Longtime Democratic Party member Jan Ellsworth of Des Moines, a Clinton supporter, said she welcomed “fresh faces” into the party.
The movement isn’t a monolith. You know the highlights: They haven’t won a statewide election since 1994; they are vastly outnumbered in the state’s congressional delegation and in the Texas Legislature and are running in political districts drawn – quite effectively – by their Republican foes.
But the disparate groups informally coalesced under the Sanders umbrella, united for the most part in agreement that the minimum wage must be increased, the nation’s health care system revamped, relations between law enforcement and minorities improved, and America’s financial system reeled-in. Bernie Sanders still is campaigning just not for the presidency anymore, it seems. Clinton, who has dominated Sanders throughout the primary cycle among non-white voters, continues to do extremely well against Trump among these voters. “And this is a magical moment in history”.
Washington Democrats concluded their state convention Sunday, but not without a few tense moments during the weekend.
She also called for the party to unequivocally oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership, the 12-nation pact sought by the Obama administration, and the imposition of a tax on the buying and selling of stocks.
The event drew several thousand people, but many seats remained empty when he began speaking because of security screening delays.
“I have no doubt that with the energy and enthusiasm our campaign has shown that we can win significant numbers of local and state elections if people are prepared to become involved”. Nina Turner, a Democrat.
And in the end, party leaders are confident that Trump’s bombast will be the ultimate tonic. Republicans don’t fear the general election, they fear the primary.
“He’s moved the party to the left and that’s a good thing”, he said.
“He may be thinking of something along the lines of MoveOn.org, which was created during the (Bill) Clinton scandals of the 1990s and stayed around as a political force, ” Mariani said.
So why hasnt Sanders withdrawn from the race?
His remarks were met with boos from the Sanders supporters, mixed with cheers from the smaller Clinton camp.
But her campaign said she was not invited and that her overtures to speak here were rejected. “They have to recognize that the revolution has not come – that the change that Bernie is calling for will not come under House Speaker Paul Ryan”.