Wells Fargo splits chairman, CEO roles after sales scandal
The Stock now has a Weekly Volatility of 1.43% and Monthly Volatility of 2.25%. The highest analyst price target is $65.00, which implies a rally of 80 percent. The scale runs from 1 to 5 with 1 recommending Strong Buy and 5 recommending a Strong Sell. The company has an Average Rating of 2.09 based on analysts tracked by Thomson Reuters.
A stock photograph showing the exterior of a Wells Fargo bank building in New York, New York.
Receive News & Ratings Via Email – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts’ ratings with MarketBeat.com’s FREE daily email newsletter. This shows a surprise factor of 2%. The company’s 50 day moving average is $47.82 and its 200 day moving average is $47.86. For the next 5 years, Wells Fargo & Company is expecting Growth of 6.97% per annum, whereas in the past 5 years the growth was 6.78% per annum.
Basically, Wells Fargo is waist deep into the making amends portion of its recovery, and apparently the next step is throwing passive-aggressive shade at Jamie, Lloyd and BriMo by implying to the world of finance that creating CEO/Chairmen hybrids is something that naughty banks do. The Market Capitalization of the company stands at 260.46 Billion. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 2.1% on a year-over-year basis.
Wells Fargo shares gained 2.68 percent on Thursday and settled at $54.34. It is expressed as a percentage growth per year and typically calculated on EPS, and sometimes from Funds from Operations, whichever is stated as primary for a particular firm. Its yearly sales growth estimates are 4%.
The Company got Downgrade by Susquehanna on 1-Dec-16 from Positive to Neutral. John Stumpf resigned as chairman and chief executive officer, leaving Chief Operating Officer Tim Sloan to lead the company as its new CEO. The total volume of shares traded was above their three months average volume of 1,550,000 shares.
Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC)’s average revenue estimates for the current quarter are $22.45B according to 21 number of analysts.
Shares of Fang Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN) declined -1.02% to $2.90. Monitoring recent stock trading activity, the stock price has reached $53.44. 20 analysts that cover Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) have given price projections for the next year. Legal & General Group Plc now owns 23,166,689 shares of the financial services provider’s stock worth $1,096,389,000 after buying an additional 436,801 shares in the last quarter.
In the trailing 12 months period, return on assets ratio of the Company was 1.10% and return on equity ratio was 11.80% while its return on investment ratio was 8.80%.