West Nile Virus Detected In Mosquitoes In Md
Please refer to the latest WNV statistics page.
“West Nile virus activity is definitely picking up”, said Susanne Kluh, the District’s Director of Scientific Technical Services. And, like many infectious diseases, the risk factor is highly increased for the elderly, for infants, and for the infirm. Pesticides that can be used for mosquito control have been judged by the EPA not to pose an unreasonable risk to human health.
In addition, the DEP sprayed parts of Haverford Township which was also the site of virus-carrying mosquitoes, according to Rep. Greg Vitali, D-166.
GLACVCD uses a variety of tools to monitor mosquito populations and virus activity in LA County.
Dead birds play an important role in maintaining and spreading WNV, which is why vector control encourages the public to report dead birds. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health, the patient – an adult male from Atlanta – has recovered from the virus. Through this program, larvicide is applied to storm drains and various standing water locations around the city to prevent mosquito eggs from hatching.
Avoid outdoor activities when mosquitoes are most active.
DEET – Cover exposed skin with an insect repellent containing the DEET, which is the most effective repellent against mosquito bites.
“All samples are submitted to us for testing for three endemic arbo-viral diseases, West Nile Virus, Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus and Western Equine Encephalitis Virus”, Dr. Anette Rink, DVM and Laboratory Supervisor at the NDA, said. Anyone who believes they, or someone they know, has West Nile virus should consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and diagnosis.
State officials say around 20 percent of those infected with the virus will develop fever along with headaches and body aches. Some of the neurologic effects may be permanent. Less than 1% of people infected with the virus will develop severe symptoms of neurologic illness caused by inflammation of the brain or surrounding tissues.