What exactly does a party chair do?
Debbie Wasserman Shultz has announced that she will step down as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the end of the party’s convention.
As Democrats opened their convention in Philadelphia amid palpable discord, Trump offered his take to supporters.
However, she points out that even if Wasserman-Schultz had a bias, “maybe overstep the line in their role as the party but people still went to the polls to vote for who they wanted to vote for”, she says.
Advance political reporter Rachel Shapiro is at the convention, and she’ll be covering the action in Philadelphia, with frequent updates.
Many of Sanders’ delegates, frustrated with the primary process and furious with outgoing party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, were still weighing ways to disrupt the four-day event. On Sunday, Clinton said in a statement that she was appointing Wasserman Schultz as “honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program”.
“We know that the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive – we know that that’s not the Florida we know”, she told the crowd. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid.
“Donald Trump on trade is a phony, and I think we’re going to have to expose him”, Weaver said, adding Trump is a “dangerous candidate” and that third-party voters should unite behind Clinton. As the convention breakfast kicked off Monday morning, Wasserman-Schultz was drowned out by a loud chorus of boos, while Sanders supporters could be heard screaming “Lock her up” in reference to Clinton and her private email server scandal. The leaked emails suggest party bosses were all in for Hillary from the start, despite Bernie Sanders’ groundswell of support. They chanted “shame, shame” as Wasserman Schultz tried to speak. “She deserves an opportunity to gavel us in, turn it over to the permanent chair, and she deserves an opportunity, I think, to also close us out”. A Clinton campaign lawyer also gave the DNC strategic advice on how to defeat Sanders.