When’s trick or treating?
Before heading out, make sure costumes are fire-resistant.
Deputies with both the Richland and Lexington County Sheriff’s departments say that Halloween is known for being fun, but caution that it can also get you in trouble, or be unsafe if you don’t pay attention.
“They need to be aware so that they can keep them out of the candy, the kids’ trick or treat candy, or the ones you’re passing out for the kids”, Bolt said.
Sullivan’s son must be home by 8:30 p.m. Law enforcement officials said it’s up to parents to make a curfew clear for their kids since there is no city ordinance that sets a curfew on Halloween night. If possible, try to add reflective tape to your costume so those driving in the dark can see you better. Trick-or-treaters may run into traffic from between parked cars. “We want to make sure this day and this night is safe for everybody”.
Use only flame-resistant costumes.
Alternatives to trick-or-treating include attending special events at friends houses, throwing your own party, or attending one at a local community centre.
Abby Holmes is excited about taking her little ones out trick or treating in Clintonville, and can’t wait to see all the goodies her son will get.
Also when Trick-or-Treating, its advised a child go with a group or an adult, but never go alone. So the question is really up to you, how old is too old to go door to door asking for candy?
Instead of masks, which can cover the eyes and make it hard to see, use face paint instead.
Choking hazards: If you have very young children, be sure to remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candy, or small toys.
Police recommend sticking to areas you’re familiar with and neighborhoods with sidewalks that are well lit.
Drive with caution, as excited children can easily forget road safety rules.