White House denounces Senate failure to act on gun measures
“Surely the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and in Orlando that took so many lives are a call for compromise, a plea for bipartisan action”.
“I’m really sick to getting to the end of it all and not doing something about it and seeing that happen again, and again, and again”, said Kaine.
California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, speaking to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, said she was optimistic Collins’ proposal will pass. Susan Collins (R-Maine), plan to bring forward a bipartisan bill that would block people on two different terrorist watch lists from buying guns, the so-called “NoFlyNoBuy” proposal. That proposal prohibited sales to more people than the Collins bill does.
However, in an attempt to address Republican concerns about infringing on Second Amendment rights, the legislation would provide a process to American citizens and residents to appeal a denial of a gun purchase.
Now the question is, can Collins’ bill pass in its entirety? “And if it is wrong, then they can recover their costs and attorney’s fees”.
One day after the Senate failed to advance four gun-control amendments – two Democratic proposals and two Republican – nine US senators gathered to unveil a bipartisan compromise that would, among other things, prevent people on the No-Fly List from purchasing firearms. Led by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, the bill would prevent those on the USA government’s “no-fly” list and the so-called “selectee” list from legally purchasing guns or explosives from licensed dealers.
Following the nation’s worst mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., the U.S. Senate rejected four proposals Monday to enhance gun control laws, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The legislation appears to be scrambling party lines with Sens. It also included some protections for anyone wrongly placed on the no-fly list.
The bill also requires a five-year “look back” provision. Mark Kirk (R-IL) voted in favor of both of the Democrats’ proposals and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) voted in favor of Feinstein’s gun control amendment.
The Orlando gunman, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIS during his rampage.
The Republicans said the Democrat bills denied Americans their constitutional right to bear arms, and the Democrats described the Republicans’ bills as too weak.
Polls show that Americans by big numbers support some minor changes in gun control laws that will make it more hard for some people to legally obtain assault rifles and other guns, such as preventing people on the no-fly list from buying guns.