White House: It’s ‘compassionate’ to cut funding that feeds hungry seniors
Others who spoke to The Star Press are on edge, however.
“We are a necessity”, Hayden said.
“As Mayor, I urge our Congressional delegation to consider the local-level consequences of these proposals, and to work with the Administration to ensure we truly are rebuilding and renewing cities and towns across the State of Utah”. “But it’s wait-and-see with Congress every year”.
That means that block grant funding for community programs, like Meals on Wheels, come straight from HUD’s Office of Community Development and Planning. In the latter, seniors who are able to walk and who have access to transportation are fed lunch at one of eight sites throughout the county. Projects include blight removal. The HOME program would also be eliminated. He said that those who oversee the various departments are being given great flexibility in managing funds within their own departments. “With the budget cuts that would cut that out, that’s cutting into the basics of life”.
(3) If the White House feels bad about taking money from coal miners and single mothers, then why is one of its top priorities an enormous, regressive tax cut? “That’s exactly what the president wants”. According to Meals on Wheels, in 2015 they received a grand total of 8,347 in government grants of all kinds. One user offered a personal reason for why he felt Meals on Wheels is such a essential program. We will keep our people SAFE.
“(The drivers) don’t just see that they’re there, but that they are safe in their homes”, he said.
“If those line items had been in the department of commerce, you would see the Department of Commerce go down by a similarly large percentage”, he added.
Trump’s spending plan, which boosts defense spending and eliminates a number of federal programs, including grants for Meals on Wheels under the Department of Housing and Urban Development, became the subject of conversation at the White House on Thursday after the cuts were revealed late Wednesday.
On 15 March 2017, the web site Occupy Democrats published an article about a blueprint budget released by the Trump administration under the sensationalized title “Trump Just Announced Plan to End “Meals on Wheels” for Seniors”. “We’re too small. We don’t receive any of that funding”.
More recently, those same researchers conducted a random controlled trial of Meals on Wheels efficacy. In 2016, the organization served 28,000 meals, served up by 97 volunteers.
But don’t expect the wall to go up next year, as the OMB director stressed that the new funding represented only the earliest stages of planning.
But Community Development Block Grants also provide funds for other community needs.
“12 percent of our budget is federal funding”, Ike said. Bailey said some other IN cities get as much as half their community development funding locally.
The CDBG program cost $3 billion in the last federal budget.
“It is a sad day when a group of millionaires and billionaires in Washington can decide what’s best for America’s health and environment”, said John O’Grady, head of the union that represents EPA employees.
“He’s a brilliant man”, Bailey said. I don’t know if they’re a good idea or not. I’m in awe of what their hands have wrought.