White House unveils five-year action plan on AIDS
“I was AIDS diagnosed”. She said no one was talking to teenagers about AIDS so she began speaking out. It was only after her mother died that her father told her: she was born with HIV. PREP, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, was virtually unheard of until September.
“Maybe some of the misconceptions are that it only affects people that are injection drug users or man who have sex with men”.
“That means their chance of spreading HIV is 96 percent less than it would be otherwise”, Pickus said.
“For those that acquire HIV, there is every reason to come in early to be on treatment to not have this disease have any important part of your life”, said Dr. Bennett Vogelman. Generally, there has been a lack of attention given to them and to the services they need. They’ve always booted it over to the infectious disease doctor.
Although you can live with the disease, Milano says the impacts should not be downplayed. “I think the proper thing to do is to grieve for those lost friendships, lost relatives and their loss to the world”.
According to the CDC more than 1.2 million people in the United States are living with HIV, and nearly 1 in 8 are completely unaware if they contracted it.
HIV can be controlled with the right medical treatment and care. The number of students in south China’s Guangdong province infected with HIV totaled 231, an increase of 46 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, according to the Guangdong health authority.
“We have prevention programs in six cities throughout the state. And increasingly we are able to refine our efforts and be more precise in our ability to reach people who might otherwise be left behind”, he added.
Polly feels there’s still a stigma attached to talking about your status, or asking for preventative services. Although concerned about the people affected by the disease, pastors can’t compromise on the tenets on their faith, such as handing out condoms to unmarried young people when the religion teaches abstinence before marriage. More than 15 million people worldwide have access to treatment.