Why students at Brunel were right to walk out on Katie Hopkins
He added: ‘It was mainly that we didn’t feel that she fitted the debate and she wasn’t the right person to be speaking’.
Here are a few of the students sharing their thoughts on Brunel inviting Hopkins, and why they disagreed with her presence.
But on Monday, when Hopkins was invited to join the panel for a debate titled “Does the Welfare State have a place in 2015?”as part of a 50th anniversary celebration, students at Brunel University hatched a clever plan to demonstrate a lack of support for the celebrity’s contentious views”.
Many people have wondered how best to deal with Katie Hopkins and the often offensive views she airs that inevitably receive so much attention.
Hopkins also makes reference to several hate speakers who she claims were “embraced” by Brunel students when they spoke at the institution.
Katie is yet to comment on the embarrassing event but tweeted beforehand that students had made t-shirts in honour of her visit to the university.
Unfortunately her speech was short-lived, and in a united show of protest, around 50 students walked out as soon as the columnist started her talk. Because, for them, I have no regard.
One of the strongest ways we can display that it isn’t is by not even engaging with Hopkins, and creating the country we want to see without her.
Who knows why Hopkins is the way she is, and why she felt it necessary to build this persona?
Here’s my handy list of labels for the students @Bruneluni to stick on me later.
Union president Ali Milani explained in a blogpost: “It is important to note that the conversation at no point has been about banning Ms Hopkins from speaking on campus, or denying her right to speak”.