Will Kellyanne Conway Be Blackballed By Certain Media?
Conway continues to be plagued by a gaffe she made in an interview that aired last Thursday, when she referred to a non-existent Bowling Green Massacre.
Late night was still in mourning Monday night over the Bowling Green Massacre. “It’s something called the ‘Bowling Green Massacre'”.
It thrust this college town back into the national spotlight, almost three years after a sinkhole that swallowed several classic Corvettes at a museum in Bowling Green garnered worldwide attention.
Cosmo reached out to Conway before publishing the “Bowling Green” quotes. The unfortunate evidence point toward a glaring no.
During the January 29 interview, Mascia wondered what Conway was talking about, so she Googled the phrase and couldn’t find any supporting evidence.
Conway tweeted one day later that she meant to reference “terrorists” from Bowling Green, Ky., rather than calling the 2011 incident an attack. “All over Europe, it’s happening”, Trump told military leaders at CENTCOM.
Hemmer said he was unaware of the some of the attacks on the list, but others – like San Bernardino, Nice and Orlando – were covered extensively.
I think we have waited long enough. Until then, feel free to donate to the Indigenous Environment Network, the resistors at Standing Rock, and follow Indigenous Action Media.
Speaking to Fox about the remarks, Ms Conway said she made a mistake: “There was a plot”.
Kellyanne Conway has been cashing in on a fake terrorist attack for quite some time.
I don’t recall Susan Rice ever being declined from a news show after it was proved she lied about a viral online video causing the Benghazi terrorist attack.
“Are they more important than the many things that he says that are true that are making a difference in people’s lives?”
“I’m now being attacked by the media, including networks that are familiar to you, and I’m just going to keep soldiering on”, she said, stressing that changes have to come both ways.
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At the White House briefing on Tuesday, Yahoo News asked press secretary Sean Spicer about CNN’s reported problems with Conway and whether the Trump administration would be “willing to offer alternative representatives to networks that refuse to work with specific spokespeople”.
Shortly before Conway’s appearance, CNN continued to fact-check the administration and reiterate their stance on Conway’s credibility.