Women pose nude to send a message to the Republican convention
More than a hundred women stripped and posed naked with mirrors in their hands in Cleveland voicing their opinion against Donald Trump.
The artist, who is known for his images of nude people, called on people to participate and speak up against the Republican’s view on women and minorities.
The Quicken Loans Arena, in Cleveland Ohio, will be the place where Republican delegates will gather to choose the President and Vice President nominees for the 2016 national elections.
The photo art featured women of all shapes, colors and sizes, holding up mirrors toward the arena.
Tunick as an artist is well-known for his nude photographs. “Each of us, the image in the mirror, has the potential to promote change and growth”, she said.
The US Authorities decided not to interfere and would not take action against Tunick.
It is not enough to voting against Trump at the ballot box in November.
He said that he had to do something to counter the language of hate and the idiotic thinking.
Now living in New Orleans, she said the installation opposed Republicans who were making Americans afraid, by telling them they should fear Muslims and immigrants.
Kinnord explained that to be totally naked and come out in the open and to be fearless is what we need to be. Tunick told Esquire that the rise of the flagrantly sexist Trump, and his selection of the rigidly anti-abortion rights Mike Pence as his running mate, have only made the project more timely.
Out of 1,700 women who responded to the ad for participants, 200 were eventually selected and invited last Friday.
A student who took part told the magazine that her participation was “less about Trump and more about creating positive energy around the RNC and to create light where there maybe isn’t as much”.
This is huge! I have never seen so many naked women in my life!
Numerous participating women said they have gone through sexual molestation at different points in their lives and the project gave them an opportunity to overcome their bitter experiences and love their body as they are.