Woohoo! There’s now a Simpsons search engine
Frinkiac is the result of a side project by Sean Schulte, Allie Young, and Paul Kehrer, and contains almost 3 million screenshots indexed by the quote they are associated with.
Are there times in life when what you’re trying to say is best expressed with a moment from The Simpsons?
Do you ever think of the ideal quote from a TV show or movie, and want to send your friends the corresponding image, to further drive home what you’re saying? Click one of the images and another page loads showing the season and the episode number as well as the closed caption information from the moment that still was plucked from the episode.
You can even add the quote to the image, complete with the appropriate Simpsons font.
Right now, Frinkiac doesn’t support any sharing or downloading of the meme you create, so we’ll all have to make do with screen-grabbing the screen-grab until the creators can refine their invention.
Public search engine Frinkiac now lets you find that flawless screencap for whichever quote from the show is currently haunting your brain.
“We had the idea several years ago when we were quoting The Simpsons at each other all day long, and it was surprisingly hard to find an image of the scenes we were quoting on Google”, said Schulte in an interview with Wired.
As explained by Kehrer in a post, Frinkiac cuts every scene from the fifteen seasons into 100 pieces, takes the average color of each piece and then compares its tone to the most recently saved picture.
Next time you need the ideal Simpsons quote, try using Frinkiac. A new screenshot is generated if the server detects the coloration is different enough.