Canada Post is halting the installation of community mailboxes, one week after the Trudeau Liberals were elected with a pledge to scrap the move away from door-to-door mail delivery.
However, the move also suggests Chinese authorities are concerned about slowing growth rates and market upheaval, and this has reignited worries about global demand.
The fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee will discuss proposals for making the five-year plan for the country’s national economic and social development from 2016 to 2020, Xinhua reported. Monetary policy easing in the world’s second-largest economy...
The epicenter of the quake was located in northeastern Afghanistan in the Hindukush, a sparsely populated mountain region, part of the Himalayas and shared by Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The legislation, crafted by an all-night government meeting on Tuesday, allows the army to patrol the frontier even when border police are not present.
The event saw 389 family members from the South granted the opportunity to travel to a resort just north of the inter-Korean border for six two-hour sessions with 141 relatives from the North. During an interview with the Associated Press, Lee recalled the heart-felt memories he...
The Vatican has denied the report made by an Italian newspaper claiming that Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor. Dr. Fukishima, the paper said, found a tiny dark spot on the pope’s brain and declared it a treatable tumor and that surgery would be unnecessary.
With more of the controversial boxes being erected in Montreal, Ottawa and London, Ont., the union representing postal workers is urging Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau to contact Canada Post to halt the process.
Over 1,000 people were injured, 956 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa alone. No death was reported in India as a result of the quake. The USGS initially measured the quake’s intensity at 7.7 on the Richter scale, and then revised it down to 7.6 and later to 7.5. “We saw people...
The closure of Hungary’s border with Croatia early Saturday caused redirection of thousands of people – including women and small children soaked in cold rain – further west toward Croatia’s border with Slovenia.