In the second attack, a Palestinian woman attempted to stab a female Israeli soldier guarding the Jewish enclave before being shot dead by her victim, Israeli police said.
To mark the Day, more than 150 iconic monuments, buildings, museums, bridges and other landmarks in more than 45 countries around the world will be lit up blue – the official color of the United Nations.
Senate Democrats have repeatedly called on Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to shut it down. Is this thing forever? “Are they ever going to make a decision about whether to continue this?”
“Russia must firstly stop bombing the headquarters of the Free Army before offering air support that we haven’t asked for”, said Fares Bayoush, the head of the FSA-affiliated group Fursan al-Haq.
“Of course we are not fighting for specific leaders, we are defending our national interests, on the one hand”, Medvedev said in an interview to air on state television. They have so far met stiff resistance from rebels using U.S.-made TOW anti-tank missiles that have...
There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack – the worst in Turkey’s history – but earlier Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Kurdish rebels, Islamic State militants or leftist groups were most likely to blame.
The two war-time leaders discussed Russia’s military and political efforts in helping Syria recover from the devastating war that has been waged against it, with Moscow pledging to intensify its support of Damascus as the anti-terrorist counter-offensive is gaining momentum.
Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” . One day, a man presented him a golf club and made him smell it. He struggled with it for a while, and then, with a smile, he said: “Tiger Woods?!”
Earlier on Thursday night, 12 people were killed and more than 20 injured in a suicide blast at a Shi’ite mosque in Quetta city in south-western Balochistan province.
Police in the Maldives have arrested Ahmed Adeeb, the country’s vice president, on charges of treason, alleging that he was involved in plotting an explosion that could have killed president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom in September.