Police commander Yoram Halevy told journalists that the attacker entered the station with a gun and a knife before snatching another gun from one of his victims.
A smaller group of Greek Cypriots in the south also held a protest at the Ledra crossing point in Nicosia, calling Erdogan’s visit to the island “illegal” since the breakaway regime in the north is not recognized by the world except from Turkey.
Politico reported recently that billionaire Sheldon Adelson may be on the verge of endorsing Rubio and committing his considerable wealth to backing the Florida senator’s campaign.
One Israeli citizen was killed in an attack by two suspected Palestinian gunmen in the southern city of Beersheba, an Israeli police spokesman said Sunday.
China has also sparred with Vietnam, another ASEAN member, over ownership of the Paracel island group, leading to a weeks-long confrontation a year ago when Beijing moved a massive oil drilling platform into contested waters.
“We certainly don’t want them engaged in on the ground combat”. Despite middling poll numbers overall, Obama remains very popular with the Democratic base voters, especially African-Americans, whose support Clinton needs as she campaigns for her party’s...
The President called on the players to stay focused, avoid all distractions and put their globally acknowledged skills, ability and doggedness on display against U.S. today, Chile on October 20, Croatia on October 23 and in all their subsequent matches to win the tournament and...
The company’s exploratory well found oil and gas but not in quantities that justified the huge expense of Arctic drilling, where Shell backed up its rigs with a flotilla of support and safety vessels and made regular helicopter flights from a staging area 150 miles away in...
Many Israelis fear it is building into a full Palestinian intifada or uprising while Palestinian leaders have said a Israeli security crackdown amounts to collective punishment that will provoke more violence.
The U.S. Treasury Department said Monday that the countries will continue to separately work together “strengthen macroeconomic cooperation, including on exchange rate issues”.
Former mayor Rob Ford and his brother Doug Ford are expected to be in attendance. “I hear Rob say, ‘See no monkey, hear no monkey, ‘ in the creepiest kiddie-talk voice I’ve ever heard”.