“We are searching each and every individual and we have prevented other attempts in the past…” That has stirred controversy in Turkey, which opposes arms to the PYD and its armed wing, YPG, because of its links to the PKK. “They are both criminals, both...
The Islamic State group is the prime suspect in the investigations into the twin bombings that took place in Ankara Saturday and killed more than 125 people, the Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said Monday in a televised address. “It was definitely a suicide...
The recall ordered by the government will be much more expensive for VW since it requires the company to speed up the process and devote more time, money, and personnel to designing and implementeing a fix.
“We need a response and an adequate response from the Turkish side; they are our partners in the crisis and the “more for more” principle applies”, he said.
A unit of Russian state company Rostec will build a new gas pipeline in Pakistan which will connect Karachi with the provincial capital of Lahore, Rostec said on Friday.
Mr Obama, who had promised in his 2012 re-election campaign to end the war, will slow down the withdrawal of troops, maintaining 9,800 troops at several Afghan bases throughout most of next year before reducing the number to 5,500 into the following year.
Russia’s short war in Georgia in 2008 had exposed its military weaknesses, including poor communication and coordination. The USA said it would not talk unless Russian Federation followed Washington’s lead and stopped helping the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad.
Integral to that strategy is TPP, which would create an economic counterweight to China – a vast free trade zone encompassing 40 percent of global GDP that includes advanced economies like Japan and Australia, and emerging markets like Malaysia and Vietnam. However,...
In what could be termed as a setback to the “third front” alliance in Bihar, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has announced that it will contest alone in the ongoing Bihar Assembly Elections and not ally with any party.
But after taking a somewhat deflating 31 strokes on the greens he signed for a 4-under 68 in the first round that left him five strokes off the lead (Brendan Steele) at the Frys.com Open at Silverado North on Thursday.