The units involved on both sides consist of infantry and headquarter elements. He said that the exercise would expand the scope of military interaction, facilitate exchange of best practices in counter terrorism operations, enhance mutual understanding and trust and further...
Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said today that the Islamic State (IS) is the focus of the probe into a twin suicide bombing that killed at least 97 people in the country’s capital Ankara on Saturday and that investigators are close to identifying one of the...
Honasan is the running mate of Vice President Jejomar Binay in the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA). “I’m a soldier and I will follow the party decision”, he said.
India Today managing editor Rahul Kanwal visited Patna in Bihar where the first phase of the Assembly elections took place on Monday, and interacted with a few of the youngsters who were planning to vote. “Bihar must become the strength of our nation”. Analysts say a...
Simultaneous attacks in Jerusalem have left three people dead and more than 20 injured Tuesday, including Israelis and two Palestinian suspects, medics said.
No group has claimed responsibility for the Ankara bombing and, since IS has in the past opportunistically claimed attacks in which it played no part, a few sceptics see the organisation as a convenient scapegoat for the government.
The Indonesian Haj Commitee (PPIH) said on Friday that it had identified three more Indonesian pilgrims who died in the stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia, bringing the country’s death toll in the incident to 123.
A USA official said last week that navy ships would sail inside the 12-nautical mile zones that China claims as territory around islands it has constructed in the Spratly chain in the next two weeks. Following quite a while of civil argument in the USA government, there is now an...
“The El Faro was on its… needed a death certificate”. A second survival suit marked with the name of the ship was found Wednesday morning, along with an unmarked life preserver and other debris.
“While Russian Federation is projecting military might and success for the time being – in concert with a rapid deployment – the situation is likely to get a lot messier for all of the factions”, Zilberman said. The group, relying on witnesses and video,...