Islamist movement Hamas on Sunday warned Israel against “foolishness” after an air strike in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire killed a pregnant woman and her toddler.
Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday unveiled plans to spur home ownership, striking at criticism that his government is failing growing numbers of Britons who are priced out of the housing market.
In pic: A frame grab taken from video released by the Russian Defence Ministry on October 1, 2015, shows Russian jets hitting a target in Syria. Russias launch of airstrikes in Syria is prompting discussions within the Pentagon about whether the US should use military force to...
Devastating reports suggest that when the program first arose, the USA was training and equipping over 54,000 moderate rebels, but that number has since dropped to a sad 100 rebel fighters, and only a handful of those have actually been in combat with enemy forces.
“The Department of Defense has received a formal response from the Russian Ministry of Defense regarding the U.S. proposal to ensure safe air operations over Syria”, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said in a statement.
South Africa’s ruling party has voted to withdraw from the global Criminal Court (ICC) following a row over a visit by Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president who is the subject of an arrest warrant.
DES MOINES | The convicted mastermind of a failed 2010 Iowa lottery scam was arrested Friday on a new felony charge alleging he and his associates may have been involved in prior rigged jackpot drawings where lottery payouts topping $1.3 million were collected.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has admitted to using a private server hosted by a non-government provider for email communications including official government business, but denies it could negatively affect freedom of information requests.
The CM also sought early sanction of the Comprehensive Special Package for Diversification of fisheries at a cost of Rs 1,520 crore and a recurring grant of Rs 10 crore per annum for maintenance dredging, which she had requested in her memorandum to him in June past year.
“I like to win, so if it comes down to me trying to make a play for our team to win I’m going to go for it”. Get off the ball, knock our guy back, separate from a block violently, tackle.