The strategy switch comes as the Obama administration grapples with a dramatic change in the landscape in Syria’s four-year civil war, brought about by Russia’s military intervention in support of President Bashar Assad.
Hello there! Would you like to share your details with us for better personalization? If they weren’t as good as the teams they lost to, feelings would be different.
Carter said Moscow has been reckless in its military commitment, risking clashes with U.S. and other planes targeting Islamic State (IS) jihadists in Syria as part of a 60-plus member coalition.
“Jeremy Corbyn needs to be straight with the people of Scotland – will Labour oppose Trident nuclear weapons on our shores, or simply allow the Tories to go ahead with this outdated and unwanted project”.
“Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction, they take out millions of civilians”, Corbyn told reporters at his party’s annual conference in Brighton, southern England, on Wednesday.
Now, Indian government is trying to pass a resolution abort special status of Kashmir. “Many Muslims view the ban on beef as an attack to their religious identity”, Wani said. He promised that the NDA government will fulfill all the dreams and aspirations of the...
Thomas Pierret, an expert on Islam in Syria, said the U.S.-led coalition bombing IS in Syria was “not very active” in Aleppo, and that Russia’s strikes there had struck mostly rebels, allowing IS to push forward.
“He’d be an awesome speaker”, McCarthy declared to a bank of TV cameras after Republicans met behind closed doors to discuss their predicament. We have to get the job done.
Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday unveiled plans to spur home ownership, striking at criticism that his government is failing growing numbers of Britons who are priced out of the housing market.