On Sunday besides Lahore’s NA-122 polls, the by-election will also take place for PP-147 where the PTI has placed Shoaib Siddique as its candidate while Mian Mohsin Latif for contest on the PML-N ticket.
Russian Federation had displayed graphics of the missiles flying over Iran and Iraq on Wednesday. It made no mention of any missiles going astray, suggesting that the operation was fully successful.
A series of similar attacks in recent days, carried out mainly by young people with no known links to armed groups, have shocked Israelis and raised fears of a new uprising.
Students of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) met secretary of the ministry, Sunil Arora, for the third time in Mumbai. Besides calling for the annulment of the appointment of Mr. Chauhan as chairman and other members of the institute perceived close to the Sangh...
The Kremlin has said it is operating in Syria to combat terrorists, which may mean not only Islamic State militants but also U.S.-back, anti-Assad rebels on the ground.
Chile adds the largest marine reserve in the Americas. “The Rapa Nui community is immensely proud of this marine park, which will protect our waters for generations to come”.
The government has charged Sports Direct chief executive Dave Forsey over criminal offences regarding the company’s handling of the administration of chain USC.
Marco Rubio encountered a unusual moment on the campaign trail as a man used a question and answer session to launch rambling accusations against the Florida Senator.
“All the rioters and rock-throwers we are seeing have smartphones, computers, websites and Facebook and Twitter accounts”, Palestinian affairs expert Khaled Abu Toameh told The Algemeiner on Thursday, following multiple stabbing attacks against Israelis throughout the...