Bishop said in a statement Wednesday that Australia would be a candidate for a Security Council seat in 2029-30 as she signalled the country’s intention to also seek a spot on the UN Human Rights Council for 2018-20.
Prior to the trip, Kentucky and the Spartans were thought to be engaged in a close battle for Bridges, but Michigan State was viewed as the favorite entering Saturday, in part because of his “positive” experience in East Lansing.
Announcing via his twitter account, Davutoğlu said “Our abducted 16 workers have just been received by our Baghdad embassy”. Previous reports had given the number as 18.
Iran berated Saudi Arabia on Sunday over the deaths of 769 people at the haj pilgrimage, demanding an apology and accusing its rival of seeking to evade blame, while Riyadh in turn accused Tehran of playing politics with the disaster. As for the things that humans can not...
The coup leader fled shortly before troops loyal to Burkina Faso’s transitional government stormed barracks held by his forces in Ouagadougou Tuesday, according to Reuters. Kafando and Zida were reinstalled on September 23. The decision to free Kafando appeared to signal...
Andrew Sentance, senior economic adviser at PwC, said: “Looking back over the recovery more broadly, upward revisions to GDP in earlier years mean that growth has averaged just over 2 per cent in the six years since the economy started growing again in mid-2009”. The...
Mr Roberts said: “The leader’s speech focused on a number of priorities that will resonate in Bristol, above all housing, but require much deeper thinking”. I want to see a nuclear-free world.
Let’s all be honest, we should’ve beaten Juventus handily, we had the opportunities to do so and given Juventus’ form, it seems as if the game from a fortnight ago was just an anomaly to their otherwise shoddy start to the season.
Thomson ReutersBritain’s Prime Minister David Cameron addresses attendees during a Leaders’ Summit on Peacekeeping to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations in Manhattan, New YorkLONDON (Reuters) – A British government source...
The judge, Henry Hudson, said delaying the execution would harm those affected by Prieto’s crimes, a harm “magnified here by the appalling number of people that Prieto has killed, raped, or otherwise injured”.
Mr Cameron said: “It’s absolutely clear that Russian Federation is not discriminating between Isil and the legitimate Syrian opposition groups and, as a result, they are actually backing the butcher Assad and helping him and really making the situation worse”.
Warnings for heavy rainfall as well as typhoon warnings have been issued for much of Taiwan which will bring with it the risk of landslides and flooding.