Two Russian air strikes in Syria on Thursday hit a training camp operated by rebel group that received military training from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, its commander said.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened the 70th General Debate with a speech in which he called for the situation in Syria to be referred to the worldwide Criminal Court and said that five countries – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey and the United States – are key...
The forecast models continue to indicate a track offshore of the US east coast from the Carolinas to the mid-Atlantic states, and the threat of direct impacts from Joaquin in those areas is decreasing.
The value of political negotiations over Syria is questionable and airstrikes against militants are useless if they are not coordinated with the Syrian government, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said on Friday.
The order was issued Thursday and is effective immediately, according to a copy of a memo obtained by The Post-Gazette. Rather than learn from that mistake – and rest assured, it was a mistake – Wolf has now doubled down and vetoed the stopgap budget recently passed...
Russian jets appeared to be primarily bombing central and northwestern Syria, strategic regions that are the gateway to Assad’s strongholds in the capital of Damascus and the coast.
“This delegation will come together with solutions in unison”, DeFazio said, before reiterating Brown’s words: “But today is not the day”. While it is still too early to know all of the facts, the effects of an incident such as this one are...
Aging Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq is thinking about quitting test cricket and this month’s three-match series against England could be his last in the United Arab Emirates.
The Conservatives and the BQ are in a hard dance, vying for numerous same votes in Quebec and finding themselves in near-agreement over the surprise hot button cultural issue of the campaign: banning veils during citizenship ceremonies.
Navarro-Cerrano, 39, ran a criminal enterprise called the Librado Mora Toro Front of the El Ejercito Popular de Liberacion (EPL) that grew coca, ran cocaine production labs, and sold metric tons of the drug to the United States, Canada, the Dominican Republic and Europe, the U.S....
Iran’s Foreign Ministry has declared Bahrain’s second-ranking diplomat in Tehran persona non grata and given him 72 hours to leave the country, a day after Bahrain withdrew its ambassador, Iranian media reported on Friday.
And, maybe Wednesday is when the rest of the Yanks will listen to one of their linchpins, who offered soothing words as a guide of sorts in what must be an uneasy time as they strive to clinch the club’s first postseason berth since 2012.
In Thursday’s stampede, pilgrims were walking toward the largest of the pillars when there was a sudden surge in the crowd about 9 a.m., causing a large number of people to fall, the Saudi Press Agency said, citing civil defense officials.