It may not be doing Empire numbers-and for what it’s worth, the unnecessary comparisons the two shows face is frequently fueled by 50 to begin with-but 50 Cent’s Starz series Power is doing impressive things in its own right.
Culture secretary Fiona Hyslop is expected to be quizzed on “cronyism” accusations as she prepares to answer questions over £150,000 of public money which was handed to the T in Park festival.
Unions, student organisations, churches and various civil society organisations are taking part in the anti-corruption March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria and Parliament in Cape Town.
Sky’s diplomatic editor Dominic Waghorn said: “Putin’s been flying drones over parts of Syria, not where Islamic State are based, but where there are rebel groups, a few of whom are close to, and are backed by America”.
Burkina Faso’s Regiment of Presidential Security, which carried out a coup d’etat last week, was given an ultimatum by military leaders Tuesday: Surrender or face assault.
“The peace process must be multilateral”. Abbas faces the world body knowing that the most recent polling back home shows a strong majority of Palestinians believe it’s time for him to step aside.
The signing of Van Dijk from Celtic will definitely help out some of the defensive frailties that Southampton showed earlier in the season, overall this is a talented Southampton team though and I think that tomorrow against West Brom we are getting the Saints at a price that...
London’s transport authority, Transport for London (TFL), is considering an overhaul of rules governing mini-cabs for app-based taxi firms like Uber and Hailo.
The Kremlin announced Wednesday that President Vladimir Putin has sent a request to Russia’s upper chamber of parliament asking lawmakers to authorize using the Russian army overseas. Military conversation between Russian Federation and the U.S. was cut off following the...
That’s because Newman and Operation Rescue, the prominent anti-abortion organisation he runs, use tactics several grades above the already nasty stuff we’re used to seeing from anti-abortion activists in Australia.
When it comes to lifting the trade embargo, U.S. President Barack Obama sides with Castro and said he is confident the U.S. Congress will lift what he calls “an embargo that should not be in place anymore”.
According to IB Times United Kingdom, he suddenly shouted “we are not gays” while giving a speech about the western world’s views about human rights. Buzz Feed reports this statement earned Mugabe a few light applause and a few laughter from the diplomats.