Jamaica has held off a gallant Malawi, winning 63-62 to seal a place in the Netball World Cup semi-finals in Sydney, Denying the Malawi Queens the same opportunity.
On August 10th, Tokyo announced that Japan was willing to surrender. In recent years, Emperor Akihito has been particularly eager to visit the islands in South Pacific where the Imperial Japanese Army engaged in a fierce battle with the United States. History is harsh. What is...
On Friday, the day dawned with 31-gun salute in the federal capital and 21-gun salute in four provincial capitals of the country. Special prayers were offered after Fajr prayers across the country for the prosperity, integrity, and solidarity of the country.
Ships will be forced to reduce their cargo because the maximum allowable draft will be set at 11.89 meters (39 feet), down from the current level of 12.04 meters (39.5 feet).
According to court documents obtained by the network, a new witness has come forward with information related to the death of the 19-year-old Clemson University student. But the specifics of the circumstances that led to his death have remained unclear until this week, when new...
“Despite our official announcement that we are not part of what is happening…the Turkish military monitors and targets our units”, the group said in a statement posted to their website.
“Overstating the case for the agreement belies the gravity of the issue and does more to breed distrust than win support“, the former New York mayor, now reinstalled at the helm of his media empire, said August. 11 in a Bloomberg column. First, Iran is unlikely to...
The scientific findings from Berkeley Earth in Berkeley, Calif., used statistical methods similar to the ones the research firm used to find increase in world average temperatures were caused “almost entirely” by human activity, The New York Times reported.