The canal’s lower water levels mean a ship’s maximum draft will drop from 39.5 feet to 39 feet on September 8, the Panama Canal Authority announced in a shipping advisory.
The country’s Syriza leadership and its Eurozone creditors have fleshed out the terms of an €86bn (£61bn) third bailout, nearly a month after the two sides agreed to it in principle.
Following her latest win, Rousey reiterated her demands for a fight with Cyborg to happen in the UFC: get down to 135 pounds or kiss that title shot goodbye.
Tony de Brum, the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands, which is a low-lying Pacific island nation, criticized the Australian government’s target as well.
An Oklahoma law limiting access to drug-induced abortions was halted by a state judge as Republican-backed restrictions in other states remain blocked or bogged down in court.
Media reports in Afghanistan and Pakistan this week said Omar died about two years ago, with some of the reports indicating his son was in a position to take over.
The meteor shower occurs in about the same spot in the night sky every year, because the fragments remain in Earth’s orbit and we keep passing through it; the Perseids in particular shows off its light show in the northwest sky. The showers tend to come in spurts, so there...
The global group of specialists conducting a criminal investigation into the crash of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine in July 2014 is examining “several parts, possibly originating from a Buk surface-air-missile system”, the Dutch Safety Board...