Two children under the age of 10 have been injured by fireworks, and police are responding to the scene. “Then I heard people screaming”. They are expected to recover, although Carbuccia could be hospitalized for months, as mentioned by CBS Boston. Borismely Guzman,...
Greeks voted Sunday to decline a bailout offer from worldwide creditors, jeopardizing its place in the euro zone and casting further doubt on the country’s economic future.
Many Greeks were celebrating on Sunday night after the nation voted to reject the terms of a bailout offer from its worldwide creditors, which would have provided further loans to bolster the country’s flailing economy in exchange for additional austerity measures.
In the video, a group of several hundred men watch as the soldiers are forced to their knees, guns to their heads, and executed.The BBC reports that the Islamic State has said that the executed men were soldiers captured in the city of Homs.
In his first start against the Rangers, he had been victimized by the home run-three of them in 6.2 innings of work-but had struck out seven and turned in a decent-if-not-quality start by holding Texas to four earned runs.
I think everybody wants a fight and I think they are not really giving the same scrutiny to Bernie Sanders that theyre giving to, certainly, Hillary Clinton and the other candidates.. But even if his economic message gives you stomach knots, at least you can be sure he...
Blocking a deal would require a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress, because Obama would be expected to veto any attempt to stop a deal his administration believes will cut off Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon.