The newly-minted president-who won his election just three months ago-has announced a campaign rally to be held Saturday at an airport hangar in Melbourne.
The hastily called press conference came as a surprise to reporters, who would typically had a briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer during that time.
On the eve of the White House meeting with Israel’s leader, CIA Director Mike Pompeo met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah – where the American intelligence chief relayed “reassuring messages about the two-state solution” to the...
In his remarks, Trump also mentioned that he’s been in talks with Boeing executives to reduce the cost to the government of building a future Air Force One presidential aircraft.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, meanwhile, said the Flynn debacle demands further investigation by the FBI and released a statement Tuesday, saying the episode reflects the Trump’s “poor judgment” as president. And the president, who sold...
“The tone is such hatred”, Trump said. I have no loans in Russian Federation. Just take a look, take a look at some of your shows in the morning and the evening.
A White House official says a two-state solution may not be the only option to solve the Israel-Palestinian conflict, signalling a major policy shift. No US President has ever endorsed a one-state solution, offered up such choice or so willfully appeared to distance himself from...
Moscow has criticized news reports alleging associates of Donald Trump had numerous contacts with Russian intelligence during the election, with the Kremlin’s spokesman complaining that it’s hard to distinguish fact from fiction in the United States media lately.
WASHINGTON-Michael Flynn’s resignation Monday as Donald Trump’s national security adviser is unlikely to quell congressional calls-especially from Democrats-for further investigations into ties between Russian Federation and Mr. Trump’s team.