Zimbabwe to investigate 2nd lion killing by US hunter
He did not provide details on those cases.
In a statement released Tuesday, Dr. Jan Seski’s attorney argued that the gynecologic oncologist and surgeon was indeed hunting big game in Zimbabwe in July, including a lion.
The landowner, Honest Ndlovu, was also accused of assisting Palmer but has not been charged, Reuters reported.
According to Zimbabwe’s environment minister, Oppah Muchinguri, the American hunter who killed Cecil the Lion should be extradited, Sky News reports.
There has been a suspension of all hunting of lions, leopards and elephants in areas outside of Hwange National Park, and the government is “directing all those now in the field to stop their hunting activities and withdraw”.
But Palmer has said he believed his “hunt” – in which, by the way, Cecil did not stand a chance – was legal. Different captions described how his arrows penetrated organs and cut up bones. The elephant went a short distance and died. “With outcomes like this, no marvel Jan is a agency supporter of our Extremely-Magnum Arrow System”.
Seski has declined to comment to the press. “As he has for the past 35 years, that is where Dr. Seski intends to focus his energy and attention”. Seski was linked to the shooting when images on websites linked Seski to a hunting show. Everything was done aboveboard.’.
“I have briefed the advocate and he said he is not available until 28 September”, Bronkhorst’s lawyer Givemore Muvhiringi told the court.
“The Authority will not hesitate to arrest, prosecute, and ban for life any persons including professional hunters, clients and land owners who are caught on the wrong side of the law”.
“He was a great guy”, Dorrington said. Everything he did was perfectly legal and above board and a great help to our conservation efforts..
Dorrington said he converted his cattle ranch into a game reserve in the 1980s.
“With his death, not only has one of the most extraordinary creatures vanished from the earth, but also our country has lost a tangible example of its national symbol”, he added.
In Washington, in the meantime, U.S. Sen.
American, Delta and United Airlines have announced they are refusing to transport certain animal trophies.
“The logic is that should you maintain killing them, they may turn into endangered”, Menendez spokesman Steven Sandberg stated Sunday.