Pope Francis Will Speak at Harvard WorldMUN in 2016
“Unlike his predecessors, who focused on issues of religious extremism, abortion, and traditional values, Pope Francis has instead given up his chance to make a significant impact on these policies”.
He said the pope “noted that the principal victims of homelessness and inadequate housing were families and especially young children…” He delighted droves of well-wishers with an off-the-cuff speech on family life.
Aside from it all, the emphasis of the Pope’s speech was unity. She was invited by Catholic Charities to come to the event as well as write a letter to Pope Francis, which was compiled into a book that was given to the Pope during the visit.
“We even had a pretzel with them“, she said.
He said he reminded the United States that its greatest asset is its “spiritual and ethical patrimony, that is, that all men and women are created equal by God and endowed with unalienable rights, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
St. John’s teacher Ryan Stohlman said that this pope is bringing new hope to Catholics.
He praised the pope for speaking on the importance of respecting life, caring for the environment and being able to provide for one’s family through earning fair wages.
Reflecting the views written in his encyclical, Pope Francis brought up the issue of climate change and repeatedly called people “to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity”.
Love and peace were present at every turn.
Duran was in Philadelphia with a group of volunteers from Promise Arizona who hoped to deliver a gift to the pope – a scroll-like document in Spanish that asked the pope to “hear the claims of the people” in the USA who have been affected by immigration and deportation.
The visit involved political and pastoral aspects.
Leadership of the Catholic Church in the United States has introduced its first mobile app: USA Catholic Church. Flamio said people were crowded into their respective sections, all jockeying for the best position to see the Pope’s Fiat as it made its way through. He touched on his environmental encyclical, “Laudato Si'” again in his parting remarks.
The changes affect all of us, believers and non-believers alike. So many people watched Pope Francis in Philadelphia embrace prisoners and visit school children in New York and serve the homeless in DC. Somehow this does not seem to be the case, the Pope seems to have unified in his time in the U.S.
Called “Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time”, the bronze is a testimony to the friendship between the Jewish and Catholic communities, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the famous Vatican II document “Nostra Aetate” that reset and began to fix the long history of misunderstanding between these faith traditions.
“I feel very humbled, honored, and blessed to have the opportunity to be close to the Holy Father, and share my talent” at Independence Hall and on the Parkway, Thillet said. It remains to be seen what Congress will do about it. He said fundamental relationships were “being called into question”.
“Humanity still has the ability to work together in building our common home”, the pope said on the lawn of the White House.