Watch RFK Push for Gun Control in Roseburg 47 Years Ago
The other is labeled a tragic error, but a regrettable effect of war.
One notable difference is the way countries label these massacres.
So we have a CPRC study showing that 9 out of 10 mass shootings occur in gun-free zones, we have a gunman who drove past numerous theaters closer to his home in order to reach one where citizens were required to be unarmed, and we have a NYT report admitting that the majority of mass shooters are getting their guns via background checks. It fuels the slippery-slope argument the gun lobby uses to oppose even the most modest, common-sense reforms. Although a few of the guns in his possession were purchased by relatives, all were bought legally.
Beyond this, the relentless media speculation only added to the misinformation-like the guessing game about whether Harper-Mercer suffered from Asperger’s Syndrome.
Our leaders could surely find a few common ground on another typical problem involved in most mass shooting: mental illness.
The announcement comes as Hillary Clinton unveils part of her own strategy for gun control, including extended background checks on gun sales and holding manufacturers “accountable for negligence”.
However, their concerns must be weighed against the occurrence of mass shootings. Wouldn’t imposing any new restrictions on guns really only affect law abiding owners and not the types of criminals that pose a threat to the public? That’s because a 1989 law prohibits any public body except the Legislature from restricting the rights of concealed weapons permit-holders to bring guns where they wish.
Many in the community – including Sheriff John Hanlin – have voiced their opposition to new gun control measures after mass shootings.
The NRA solution to gun violence has been to make guns the American way. How, then, can he claim that gun laws work? We will not act unless political parties that block action lose their majorities. And don’t f***ing say “well that’s your fault” because it isn’t, you people had my phone number, and I asked and all, but no’. He his however trying his best to put more regulations on the selling of arms, to be sure that whoever has the possibility of becoming the next killing machine doesn’t have any negative background, and is mentally stable enough to own a firearm in the first place.
The British didn’t ban ovens, but they made them safer. “When it happens in your backyard, people start reassessing”.
Obama is right on these points: We have a national problem that will not go away on its own. I can not describe what was inside.
It was insane. We had to organize a mass casualty plan in the office, seeing which doctors were alive and available to help. We want to heal our community that’s hurting. “(The President) is our best salesman”.
The whole situation was very hard.
Yes, even saying these words makes the NRA happy.
“National governments have a crucial role to play in ensuring the safety and security of the nations they serve-and here in the United States, it is our highest priority”.
Democracy is not an armchair spectator sport, and one person, however powerful and no matter how many tools at his disposal, is unable to wave a magic wand and fix America’s gun woes. In doing so, CNN found that the number of USA citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350. Even the families of those killed in Benghazi were told it was a video that did it. Not the terrorists. Nevada will vote on a similar initiative next year, and groups led by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence are pushing an initiative in Maine. That’s a pretty sad response to a tragedy where a bunch of people lost their lives to gun violence. There is no speculation about how the officially sanctioned violence of police, now at epidemic levels, might set an equally grisly example. They look for scapegoats and grow fanatical. The conclusion is unambiguous: where there are more guns, there is more homicide.
Barack Obama had the power to prevent the deaths and carnage at the hospital in Kunduz. “Four Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities”. The reality is the US dropped those bombs.
I think it’s unusual that for all the money our government spends on education, you won’t see much research on the sociological causes of <i>gun violencei>, probably because such research would be counterproductive to the Left’s <i>gun controli> narrative.
We as Americans are at risk of being affected by gun violence every day.