Sanders proposes $15 minimum wage, sets up Clinton contrast – San Francisco
There was a lot of discussion this weekend about how Democratic presidential candidate and socialist superstar Bernie Sanders needs to include structural racism in his campaign, which has so far focused like a laser beam on economic justice.
The huge crowd came as a surprise for many in what is considered to be a reliable Republican state. “The Democratic Party presidential candidate will hold a rally in Kenner”. Clinton and Sanders agreed that state budget cuts cause tuition increases at public universities and said they intend to solve the problem with regulatory partnerships between state and federal governments.
To find the closest Bernie Sanders viewing event for next Wednesday night, go to his website, and simply post your zip code in the appropriate box. This is blowing me away, quite frankly.
“I don’t want anybody to tell me that we can’t do that”, Sanders said.
“There’s something about him. We need to stand together to make a political revolution where we create an America that works for all of us”, he continued. There’s an old Texas saying: “you dance with the one that brung ya”.
For example, it was widely reported that Sanders raised $15 million in the spring, but many outlets failed to mention that Clinton raised three times as much during the same period.
“Taxpayers bailed out Wall Street when they needed it, now it’s Wall Street’s turn to help out the middle class”, said Sanders.
“God bless Pope Francis”, Sanders said, referring to the pontiff’s recent encyclical on climate change.
Morrow said he started the hashtag #BernieSoBlack because he felt supporters used Sanders’ previous civil rights activism to “outblack” black critics. (The “say her name” chant references Sandra Bland, a black woman who was found dead in her jail cell after being taken into police custody in Texas last week.).
Now, it’s possible Sanders is drawing the most attendees because his chief rival, Hillary Clinton, is taking a distinctly different approach, preferring to meet with small groups of people at house parties and intimate sit-downs. “Bernie, however, is certainly making a splash in the pond”. In a comparatively low-key trip, he dropped in on Austin in April to meet with union workers and headline a fundraiser for the Travis Democratic Party.
“This grotesque level of income and wealth inequality is bad economics”, Sanders said”.
Folks in the audience said he’s a fresh face with bold ideas.
“There are hundreds of thousands of bright, hardworking, qualified young people who are unable to get a college education, not because they didn’t have the ability, but because their family doesn’t have the money”, Sanders said.