Ben Carson Support Increasing, Attracts Thousands at Phoenix Rally
Some of these cartel lookout spots were as far as 70 miles inside the United States.
If we see an armed drug gangster crossing the border, we have two options: wait until they’re on our side of the border and stop them, or venture into Mexico and grab them there. Once we have that border sealed, we have to turn off the spigot that dispenses the goodies. Carson was originally slated to speak in a church that can hold 2,300, but now the event is moving to a location that can seat more than 6,000 people.
“Some of these caves that are out there, one drone strike and, poof!”
Carson says he wants to close the border, but says the border surrounds the entire country, not just the south.
Attendees at the Carson event tended to be younger than those who saw Trump at the same convention center earlier this summer. On the day of the debate, a Real Clear Politics average of national polls in the primary field ranked Carson fourth with just 5.8 percent of the vote.
Carson, second in the most recent poll to Trump after being a virtual unknown a few weeks ago, joked with the Phoenix crowd about how earlier in the year, the political class had all but dismissed him.
The first crowd to meet Carson in Arizona on Tuesday was so large, his campaign said, that they were forced to switch venues.
A report in the Fiscal Times for August 20 contrasted Carson’s proposed solution for securing the border with Donald Trump’s.
Carson was also set to take a helicopter tour of the border to get a birds-eye view of smuggling routes. In Arizona Wednesday, Carson said he’d be open to armed drone strikes against illegal entrants, because wow, that would be so cool. “That’s the bottom line”.
“We’re all pissed off, quite frankly, excuse my language”, Babeu said according to AZ Central News.
So to “seal” American borders in any meaningful sense of that word, you’d have to not only put up those 7,500 miles of Berlin-style walling (at a cost in the hundreds of billions), but also eliminate the Visa Waiver program (thereby crippling the U.S. tourism industry and restricting American freedom of movement abroad), and then affix tracking technology to every foreigner who sets foot inside the country.
“I haven’t said anything about me being the only one to do anything, so let me try that”. We can keep families together.
Dr. Carson emphasized that hopes to “save our nation”, unlike other presidential hopefuls who simply “want to get re-elected”. They won’t come. It won’t be worth trying to get through our borders if there are no goodies.