Pro-life supporters rally in Huntsville against facilities performing abortions
Click to see the new Planned Parenthood video. Video No. 8 is no exception.
Undercover journalists with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) met with Cate Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress, a tissue procurement company that worked with Planned Parenthood. ” StemExpress publishes a flyer for Planned Parenthood clinics that promises “Financial Profits” and “fiscal rewards” for clinics that supply aborted fetal tissue”.
“It heightened my awareness to stand more against what planned parenthood is doing, it’s no different than what Nazi Germany was doing back in the Holocaust years”, said Sanjee Ang, one of the protesters. Then, when an actor asked, “What would make your lab happy?”
In the video, Dyer also admitted that StemExpress often ships whole baby heads to its labs to preserve their “fragile” neural tissue.
“These people should really be brought to justice you know, they’re gonna answer, they have to be accountable”.
“What about intact specimens?” asks one of the actors. Dyer explained that her company works with “almost triple-digit-number [Planned Parenthood] clinics”.
Most Utahns have an unfavorable opinion of Planned Parenthood, and most don’t want fetal tissue used in medical research, a new UtahPolicy poll shows.
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Inc. filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to stop the state from cutting the organization’s Medicaid funding.
“We are fighting these efforts as best we can to preserve access by our patients to care”, Carrie Flaxman, a senior staff attorney for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told reporters. Under terms of the state’s contract with Planned Parenthood, either side can cancel it with 30 days’ notice, Reed said.
Planned Parenthood maintains that it has been acting within federal law, and that any donation of fetal organs of aborted babies are made with the mother’s consent and are not done for “valuable consideration”. But the administration has no wish to take away health care funds for poor people in these states. The organization points out that according to the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s East Baton Rouge clinic served 60 percent of the female contraceptive clients served at publicly funded clinics in 2010.