Amy Schumer: ‘I Am Expecting A Backlash’ For Supporting Gun Control
That’s because she and New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who is actually her cousin, were busy working on a new initiative, which they announced in a press conference. Following the senseless attack, Amy Schumer responded on Twitter with a heartfelt message, “My heart is broken and all my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Louisiana“. At some point, we have to get real about gun control and we also need to start to undo the Reagan-era damage to the mental health system.
As a part of the legislation, states which submit all necessary records into the background check system would receive monetary rewards, while those that did not would be given penalties.
On the new anti-gun approach, both Schumers are planning to call upon the Department of Justice to assure that recommendations are made available to states in how to handle “involuntary mental-health commitments”.
Those programs are in jeopardy as the Senate is considering cutting the $159 million that keeps them afloat, according to Sen.
“Having people like Amy speaking out reaches people who I could never reach”, the senator said.
In the wake of the fatal shootings at Amy’s “Trainwreck” screening in Louisiana, the actress responded to an open letter from Sarah Clements, whose mother survived the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012.
Schumer is far from the first entertainment star to use her public profile to raise the issue of gun control. Amy Schumer became invested in the tragedy when news broke that the shooting took place during a screening of her movie, Trainwreck.
Amy Schumer called for unanimous support on the three-part proposal, saying there were “common sense solutions”. “There is a way to stop them”, the actress said.
‘Preventing unsafe people from getting guns is very possible, ‘ said Schumer. “We all know that if laws were tighter, the shooter in Charleston would not have been able to purchase a gun”.