Hillary is using the McCarthy gaffe to remind Democrats just how hated she is by Republicans.
The trip is created to let Obama spend time with the families of thosewho were killed, Josh Earnest said.
Last week, McCarthy said: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?”
In the meantime, Democrats revealed several key portions of Mills’ testimony, including sections theysay refute Republican allegations that Clinton was unengaged during the attack and that her staff swayed the outcome of a State Department inquiry conducted after the attack, according to USA Today. “The serious questions Secretary Clinton faces are due entirely to herowndecision to put classified information at risk and endanger our national security”.
Between 20 and 40 per cent of all arms sales transactions occur without such screenings, a major loophole in federal law, Mrs Clinton said.
In an effort to keep violent criminals and the severely mentally ill from obtaining firearms, the campaignsaid, Clinton would support legislation to prohibit all domestic abusers from buying and possessing guns and make it a crime for individuals with clean records to buy guns with the intention of giving them to violent felons.
House Democrats are moving ahead with a plan to dismantle the Select Committee on Benghazi, in light of renewed criticism of the committee. “From affordable health care to equal pay, she’ll never stop fighting for you, and Republicans know it”, the ad’s narrator says over footage of Clinton addressing a crowd. McCarthy gave the Democrats an opening, and they’re plowing right through it.
The more interesting response to McCarthy’s remarks, however, has come from the Benghazi committee’s Democratic minority.
Release of the transcript is “the only way to adequately correct the public record”, the Democrats wrote the chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. Is this ad enough to change her boring poll numbers?
Hillary Clinton is hammering home her argument that the House GOP’s Benghazi investigation is about politics with a new ad that highlights recent comments by the party’s likely choice to be the next speaker.
During a July trip to South Carolina, Clinton said economic issues are “much more complicated… than pointing to anyone piece of legislation and saying well if we just pass that everything would be fine”.
“Look at the situation they chose to exploit, to go after me for political reasons: the death of four Americans in Benghazi”, Clinton said in an interview before a town hall appearance in New Hampshire.
Cummings said Republicans themselves are to blame – and McCarthy has only publicly confirmed what the panel’s Democratic members have long felt as the committee’s leaks damaged Clinton.
Also during the interview, Clinton acknowledged she has a few “work to do in New Hampshire” given her place in the polls.
Clinton uses GOP Benghazi comments in TV ad
Hillary is using the McCarthy gaffe to remind Democrats just how hated she is by Republicans.
The trip is created to let Obama spend time with the families of those who were killed, Josh Earnest said.
Last week, McCarthy said: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?”
In the meantime, Democrats revealed several key portions of Mills’ testimony, including sections they say refute Republican allegations that Clinton was unengaged during the attack and that her staff swayed the outcome of a State Department inquiry conducted after the attack, according to USA Today. “The serious questions Secretary Clinton faces are due entirely to her own decision to put classified information at risk and endanger our national security”.
Between 20 and 40 per cent of all arms sales transactions occur without such screenings, a major loophole in federal law, Mrs Clinton said.
In an effort to keep violent criminals and the severely mentally ill from obtaining firearms, the campaign said, Clinton would support legislation to prohibit all domestic abusers from buying and possessing guns and make it a crime for individuals with clean records to buy guns with the intention of giving them to violent felons.
House Democrats are moving ahead with a plan to dismantle the Select Committee on Benghazi, in light of renewed criticism of the committee. “From affordable health care to equal pay, she’ll never stop fighting for you, and Republicans know it”, the ad’s narrator says over footage of Clinton addressing a crowd. McCarthy gave the Democrats an opening, and they’re plowing right through it.
The more interesting response to McCarthy’s remarks, however, has come from the Benghazi committee’s Democratic minority.
Release of the transcript is “the only way to adequately correct the public record”, the Democrats wrote the chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. Is this ad enough to change her boring poll numbers?
Hillary Clinton is hammering home her argument that the House GOP’s Benghazi investigation is about politics with a new ad that highlights recent comments by the party’s likely choice to be the next speaker.
During a July trip to South Carolina, Clinton said economic issues are “much more complicated… than pointing to any one piece of legislation and saying well if we just pass that everything would be fine”.
“Look at the situation they chose to exploit, to go after me for political reasons: the death of four Americans in Benghazi”, Clinton said in an interview before a town hall appearance in New Hampshire.
Cummings said Republicans themselves are to blame – and McCarthy has only publicly confirmed what the panel’s Democratic members have long felt as the committee’s leaks damaged Clinton.
Also during the interview, Clinton acknowledged she has a few “work to do in New Hampshire” given her place in the polls.
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