Donald Trump Says 3rd Party Run Is A Possibility
But Trump has extended his lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination despite his chaotic debate performance and the Kelly row, as closest rival Jeb Bush lost ground.
The brash billionaire stunned viewers and fellow Republican candidates last week during their party’s first debate of the 2016 presidential campaign by saying he would not rule out a third-party candidacy – a nightmare scenario for the Republicans.
The ambiguous “wherever” set people off, both women and men (some of which were Trump’s opponents) accusing the candidate of reinforcing an age-old idea that women don’t belong in politics because their actions are heavily influenced by their menstrual cycle – an unscientific idea, by the way.
There’s a lot of chatter about who performed the best at the first Republican debate last week-was it Trump? According to Breitbart, Trump is also a post-debate winner. And honestly, Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry.
“I want to run as a Republican“.
The Franklin Pierce poll reported that Trump’s numbers dropped during the weekend, after he attacked Kelly over some of her debate questions.
Appearing on CNN’s New Day in an interview host Chris Cuomo, Trump covered a wide range of topics, but gave perhaps the most memorable comment when Cuomo asked him about his perception of being a whiner.
Trump never apologized, but he clearly hasn’t given up on the female vote.
“The biggest problem I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation”.
“I would say, the deal is not going to be approved, I won’t allow it. I want that plant in the United States, preferably here”, Trump said. “Are you kidding me?” the producer said. Donald Trump about to speak, will he now pivot and try to shift attention to issues after criticizing Fox News anchor megyn Kelly after her question about the names he’s called women before.
He said Trump made some comments recently that have offended people, but that all the candidates will make mistakes before the election.
On Tuesday’s episode of his online show, Glenn Beck took a look at Donald Trump’s recent feud with Fox News, who Trump argues has not treated him fairly in its coverage of his recent campaign. “And some of those things are counter to what’s good for the country”, Trump added.
They said he’s overlooking some of the nation’s voters.