Hillary Clinton talks pumpkin spice and the price of Daraprim
Clinton made the company and the price hike exhibit A in the case for her drug plan, and she made its CEO the poster child of pharma executives run amok.
Clinton’s advertising campaign has acquired advertising campaigns in Iowa and New Hampshire to pop to her confront on Turing Pharmaceuticals, an organization that is actually procured countrywide mock for hugely increasing cost of a decares-old drug that’s generally put to use to take care of Solutions people. In announcing her proposals last week, Clinton specifically spoke out against a plan by Turing Pharmaceuticals to raise the price of a drug that helps AIDS patients by more than 5,000 times its original level.
According to media report on Wednesday, Martin Shkreli said he later agreed to lower the price on Daraprim to a point that is more affordable and is able to allow the company to make a profit. As Clinton has said, too many American families and seniors are being squeezed by these rising drug costs – even as they have seen their wages and incomes grow far too slowly for years. So Mr. Shkreli, what’s it going to be? The company also faced a barrage of headlines nationwide that focused in on the price increase and Shrekli, who has become a public face of the drug industry greed. But if it does, it could have a huge impact on the way pharmaceutical companies price their drugs. The drug, Daraprim, is used to treat toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that’s risky for people with weakened immune systems, including people with AIDS and patients undergoing chemotherapy. Do the right thing.
In a new television ad released Monday, Clinton’s campaign highlights how the former secretary of state went after Turing and suggests she contributed to Shkreli’s decision to lower the price.