Niqab ban for public servants would be considered, says Stephen Harper
When it comes to actual carbon emission reduction targets the Liberal Party has been rather vague so far in this election, making a promise that they will “provide national leadership and join with the provinces and territories to take action on climate change, put a price on carbon, and reduce carbon pollution”.
A friend asked if I was going to stop picking on the Conservatives. I’d like to see a national human organ and tissue donation agency to unite all the provinces and territories together.
Harper has also faced criticism for negotiating the TPP deal behind closed doors. For the Liberals, this is “real change”. But his specific contrast point in the ad is with Trudeau, not the incumbent at 24 Sussex Drive. The Canadian Automotive Partnership Council – an industry lobby group that also includes Unifor – has argued that jurisdictions in the US and Mexico have been more successful in attracting auto investment in part because they offer grant-based incentives.
“It gets into essentially personality politics”.
“Some pollsters blush at claiming that their margin of error is within three per cent, 19 times out of 20, others don’t”, said Barry Kay, a polling expert at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Learn more about the conservative campaign at
In the last stretch, Giasson says expect more negative advertising but at the same time more promotional ads with the leaders “because you’re trying to rev-up emotions of likability”.
Trudeau, however, faces a major challenge in taking back seats that were efficiently tucked into Harper’s column in 2011, a result of aggressive Conservative courting of new arrivals and hyphenated Canadians and Liberal neglect of a constituency it once counted solidly as theirs.
“Progress has been made, but negotiations are still ongoing, and I am receiving regular updates from our officials who are on the ground,” Harper told a hastily assembled news conference Saturday morning in Montreal.
Murray’s Simon Fraser students wrote that the fast voice-over “bombards the viewer”. Stephen Harper will continue to keep our taxes low, balance the budget and [provide] more opportunities for students when they graduate.
The rally was schedule the same day the Liberals initiated a suite of new ads-two radio sports and three television- aimed directly at Harper. “He doesn’t feel the frozen incomes, the rising cost of living, the disappearing jobs”.
“Unlike the other party’s ads, Trudeau and his campaign team are redefining the political advertising genre by creating a hybridity of positive messaging combined with a subtle attack”, wrote the Simon Fraser students. “The Liberals need 100″, the post reads. Voting has consequences, and one outcome should be that parties realize that deception is not the way to form a democracy.
And Canadians are showing a desire for strong climate leadership.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the federal cabinet has already approved a plan to spend $4.3 billion over the next 15 years to protect Canadian farmers from the impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The former Progressive Conservative premier of Newfoundland and Labrador has launched a sustained offensive against the federal Tories, accusing the prime minister’s campaign of playing to bigotry and borderline “racism”.
This experience makes me realize that numerous NDP, Liberal and Green policies on these issues are at best wishful thinking and at worst will be detrimental to a prosperous and secure Canada in the future.