The U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday for a stopgap spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, but it did so without Congressman Ralph Abraham’s vote.
The measure needed 60 votes to clear a procedural hurdle but got 54, with 42 senators voting in opposition. The leading proponent of bringing the fight over funding the group to a possible government shutdown remained unbowed.
“Half of our health centers are in medically underserved communities”. “All these clinics, as far as I know, take Medicaid dollars, so you could go to any of those clinics to get any medical service you could”.
But House Republican supporters of the bill said it would make it clear that federal law does not prevent states from excluding all Medicaid funding from a healthcare provider that offers abortions.
Take for instance, The State Bank of India (SBI) country’s largest lender slashed its lending rate by 0.40 per cent. The new rate will stand at 9.30 per cent from 5 October onward.
A Biden candidacy this time would likely draw some minority voters away from Clinton, making it a tighter race with her closest rival now, Bernie Sanders, who isn’t really a Democrat. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has climbed into a virtual tie with real-estate magnate...
When it comes to lifting the trade embargo, U.S. President Barack Obama sides with Castro and said he is confident the U.S. Congress will lift what he calls “an embargo that should not be in place anymore”.
Cuban President Raul Castro blamed the United States for aggravating his country’s economic turmoil and demanded reparations Monday when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly in New York City for the first time as president.
“Who knows-I might one day be able to tell my grandkids I got to interview the last President of the United States“, Colbert said at the top of the show.
“Our support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine will be front and center throughout our discussions”, said Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.
Planned Parenthood will make its first congressional appearance today since the release of undercover videos. The videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the transfer of fetal tissue to researchers.
Though the satellite launch was lauded as one of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s greatest achievements, the orbit of the spacecraft has begun to decay, reports MSN News. The enigmatic area has been below worldwide punishment ready for its nuclear and missile exams.