Obama to look for new USA gun measures
The only way to satisfy those who lament the availability of guns is not to nibble away at the margins as the president and other liberal politicians say is their goal.
“You purchase robbed weapons or do-it-yourself weapons on any block corner”.
“Gun control is NOT the answer to preventing heinous crimes like school shootings”, he wrote in a letter to Vice President Joe Biden in 2013, about a month after Sandy Hook, when a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at an elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, then killed himself. “I have strongly opposed President Obama’s past efforts to restrict our Second Amendment rights and will strongly oppose his renewed efforts”.
LEHMAN: Earlier this year, Oregon lawmakers approved a bill that extends criminal background checks to private-party gun transactions.
Mass shootings occur nearly once a day in the USA, yet protecting gun rights seems to concern Americans more than increasing controls on guns.
“One thing you see that is common unfortunately in nearly every one of these incidents is someone who has fallen through the cracks when it comes to mental health services”, said Gov. Walker.
A White House official told KGW further details about Obama’s visit to Oregon will be made available this week. In Roseburg, deer antlers line driveways and locals hardly notice the pop-pop-pop from nearby shooting ranges.
“I’ve asked my team, as I have in the past, to scrub what kinds of authorities do we have to enforce the laws that we have in place more effectively to keep guns out of the hands of criminals”, he said.
Because we know that the “guns make us safer” arguments are completely, ridiculously baseless. In a press release Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee addressed what he perceived as the president’s knee-jerk call for increased gun control.
Boylan said he doesn’t know what was in it.
He said other nations also have mentally ill residents who want to harm others, but the United States is alone in the type of problem it faces. In Bowling For Columbine, Moore highlighted several points with guns in the States that show the entitlement mentality of the country.
But a leader doesn’t stand at the bully pulpit time after time – the statement was his 15th in the wake of a mass shooting – uttering empty phrases. In part, it’s because the media, the public, and Congress aren’t the only ones who care much more about terrorism than gun violence.